Sunday, August 30, 2020

Favorite video game art work?

Hey everyone. Sorry if this is a bit off topic. So, I teach a game design elective at a private middle school and I’ve slowly been decorating my classroom with cool game art. Most of them are canvases I had blown up from his res images and hung on the walls. Over the past several months I’ve been making a note of artwork I’d consider hanging in the class room, but I found myself to be extremely picky! Haha.

The main criteria being the artwork has to be from an important or historically significant game, series or company, representative of a genre, theme, or common game motif, from a game that’s remembered for its striking art (like Okami), work of renowned artist in video games like Yoshitaka Amano or Capcom’s Bengus, or just a really gorgeous piece of art work you’ve come across! All the better if I can point to it and work it into a discussion,

Here’s what I currently have on the walls:

A large canvas of the Japanese box art of ICO

A large canvas of Shadow of the Colossus

A large canvas of the opening screen from Secret of Mana

and a smaller metal print of Amaterasu from Okami.

Being the Nintendo reddit, feel free to recommend anything Nintendo, but really any artwork that represents a piece of gaming or its history. It could be official game art or fan art, as long as I can track down a big enough image file. So, have you ever come across something in an instruction manual, box art, gaming magazine or promo swag that made you think “Wow! I totally want a big-ass poster of that!”

Some of the ideas I have floating around in my head: - One of the many smash bros ensemble murals, or maybe the finishes SSBU mural when the fighter pass ends. - Something Tetris with a retro feel - Art from one of the landmark JRPGs in the 90’s - A world map from Mario, Zelda, etc. (or even a level diagram) -Portraits of famous game designers (Miyamoto of course has some awesome ones) - Something capcom, I know it’s vague but capcom has so many influential series it’s hard to decide! Maybe a Marvel vs. Capcom style collage?

Anyway! Your recommendations are very much appreciated!


I’m looking for awesome gaming related artwork to plaster over my classroom walls. What would you recommend?

submitted by /u/chronoboy1985
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* This article was originally published here

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