Sunday, November 28, 2021

Rhythm games like Rhythm Heaven or Elite Beat Agents would make for great mobile games, and I really would love to see these series continue.

Rather than trying to figure out how to cram series like Mario or Animal Crossing into a mobile setting, I wish Nintendo would publish sequels to rhythm games on mobile. Sure, they would be fun on Switch, but I feel like they wouldn’t sell as well as they could on mobile.

I would love to have a Rhythm Heaven or an Elite Beat Agents sequel (or even remaster) on mobile. As these were DS titles, the transfer to mobile would make so much sense ergonomically. These games were so fun, but I feel like they live and die by having touch controls, so having them on mobile seems like the next step.

I just really want to play games like these again and I know it isn’t coming to switch.

submitted by /u/ringo_phillips
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* This article was originally published here

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